As Black Friday and Christmas approach, audio is the perfect companion for individuals shopping around town and online.

According to Spotify, 70% of Spotify listeners streamed music while Christmas shopping in 2021. Despite financial uncertainty, 84% of those same listeners expect their online shopping to improve or remain the same in 2022, and 27% plan to shop on Black Friday.

In this blog, we explain Spotify best practices to make planning your Spotify ad marketing campaign as easy as possible.

Keep it informal; Use quick phrases that sound natural Focus on one message; Emphasize the most important level of your ad be economical; Avoid cluttered or rushed ad playbacks Tell a story with sound; Use audio to liven up your ad message

A mix of sound results and background music can instantly set the mood and give context to your key message. Don't rely on words alone to grab (and hold) listeners' attention, let the audio do the heavy lifting!

Use model clues to determine yourself; Make sure the listener knows who is speaking

A model tail can have a variety of problems, it can be:

A sound mark first like "Hey, BRAND here"

Much like a visual brand, creating an Audio Model ID makes you instantly recognizable to listeners, even if they don't give it too much thought.

We recommend using the first 5-10 seconds to get your point across, then setting the brand in the first half of the ad for maximum breakthrough.

End with a name for the movement - Be clear about what you expect from the audience.

In 2021, Spotify asked its prospects what factors drive their listeners to make an online purchase:

69% said delivery was free 43% indicated coupons and discounts 41% were in favor of a simple right of return 22% said the company is environmentally friendly Keep the URL simple; If you choose an online address, make sure it's easy to pronounce and remember Enjoy the benefits of powerful audio ads

Whether you're a first-time ad producer or have been advertising for a while, this simple information can help you discover ways to create memorable Spotify audio ads that build model awareness and create real connection with your audience.

Need a handy portion? Our team of show promotion experts can be happy to help - talk to our friendly staff to get started.