INSTALLATION NOTES ================== To install task freak, it is pretty much dead simple. You can run this under windows or any kind of operating system (including linux, freeBSD, macOS X...) that can run PHP and mySQL. Just follow the steps described below: 1. Install files on your web server ----------------------------------- 1.1 Copy files and uncompress archive First step is to uncompress the archive. Oh no, sorry, first step is to install mySQL and PHP... Right, then, download and copy the archive on your hard drive. THEN, uncompress the archive. Under unix, it goes like this: $ tar xzvf taskfreak.xx.tar.gz /path/to/webroot or, if you got the zip file $ unzip -d /path/to/webroot (xx must be replaced by version number) A directory taskfreak will be created containing the files 1.2. Check file permissions Under windows, don't worry, the system is totally insecure so it will work. Under unix, you might want to run the following commands just to make sure $ chmod 755 /path/to/webroot $ cd /path/to/webroot $ chmod -R 666 taskfreak $ chmod 755 taskfreak taskfreak/classes taskfreak/images 2. Create database ------------------ You can use phpMyAdmin if you have it, or use mysql command line tool to create the database and the table. 2.1 Create database you can name the database pretty much anything you want, but taskfreak is a pretty good name I believe. $ mysqladmin -u root -p create taskfreak (the $ is just a unix prompt, but you should know that) (and you will be prompt for mysql root password, type enter if none is set) Optionnally, you can change user permission with a GRANT, but I'll let you figure that one out by yourself. 2.2. Create table $ mysql -u root taskfreak < /path/to/taskfreak_init.sql (again, $ is a unix prompt, you don't have to type it) (don't be stupid, change /path/to/ to the path where the .sql file lies) (under windows, use \, not /, please, come on) 3. Configure scripts -------------------- Open the config.php file and change the database settings to whatever it needs. (Uncomment the mySQL section, and comment the SQLite section) 4. Go, go go! ------------- Launch your internet browser and point it to where you installed taskfreak typically: http://localhost/taskreak/ Good luck.